Introduction to spiritual sciences

Warm welcome! Before we dive into the first scientific topic of the website, it’s worth mentioning that the subjects chosen will touch on scientific phenomena that indicate the existence of deeper scientific dimensions, consistent with what many quantum physicists and mystics teach and practice. Instead of just listing a bunch of facts in this regard, the idea is to approach it step by step to gain an overall understanding so that the knowledge can be applied in practice to offer us a new perspective and improve our lives. There is a certain so-called bridge between these worlds. In this so-called bridge, certain psychological and physical phenomena occur, indicating that there is a very deep spiritual dimension within our physical body, revealing much about our inner present reality as human beings. Therefore, how a person behaves psychologically towards others, towards themselves, and reacts towards life’s factors gives a picture of their degree of spirituality. If the spirituality attained by a person is genuine, it should be functional both at home and outwardly in society.

The more we advance in the various biophysical and quantum physical aspects of spirituality, the more we notice how today’s psychology, as it is taught, is highly incomplete. The intertwining of some scientific subjects will be demonstrated to give a clearer picture that we are, in essence, spiritual beings. The intellect we possess, and our senses, allow us to absorb information, process it, and use it like no other creatures can. But isn’t it the case that all animals are also different from one another? There is always some animal that is neurologically and physically more advanced than the other. So, what unique purpose are we meant to have in this life as human beings? A purpose that cannot be affected by space or time. Because we humans often complain that this or that happens to us because of a reason or another, or that if we had lived somewhere else under different circumstances, we would have become better people, and so on. We already possess a higher level of intellect waiting to be used. The question is, how do humans access that part of our abilities that have different senses and capacities, and even more importantly, what habits and views prevent us from accessing those abilities? Many of these aspects will be answered through the scientific phenomena that will be addressed in HeartScience, God willing.


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Further reading

Ideomotor effect

Let’s begin with a psychological phenomenon called the priming effect, which occurs when a person is exposed to information in the form of words...

Ideomotorisk effekt

Låt oss börja med ett psykologiskt fenomen, kallad primingeffekten, som uppstår när människan utsätts för en information i form av ord, stimuli eller...

