
The Mito uses a floating teether to transmit signals to the controller, but the teether also uses a built-in solar panel to extend the battery life of the drone from two hours to up to a four-hour run time. The drone is rated to dive to 135 feet and the teether allows for 165 feet of navigation away from the float.

  • Very comfortable, lightweight and slim
  • Rated for up to 90 kg / 200 lbs, very secure and saf

Scientific commentator

Further reading

2. Ideomotor effect

Let’s begin with a psychological phenomenon called the priming effect, which occurs when a person is exposed to information in the form of words...

2. Ideomotorisk effekt

Låt oss börja med ett psykologiskt fenomen, kallad primingeffekten, som uppstår när människan utsätts för en information i form av ord, stimuli eller...

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